Tuesday, 15 May 2001

Young Lust

I still can't see how a 13 year old boy can be branded as a paedophile.

Today finds me troubled. No change there you might think. You might even be right, but that is not the point. I find myself particularly troubled by a news item that caught my roving eye yesterday and a one that you may well have caught yourself concerning paedophilia (bet that got your attention...)

In a recent sting operation, the police swooped on a number of people who were downloading child porn from the Internet. Notwithstanding the fact that an opportunity to hand out a sound kicking to the testicles of some of these bastards was missed, this is a very good thing indeed. That they will be placed on the sex offenders’ register and will be imprisoned is also a good thing. However, a less good thing is the age of one of those arrested. He is a 13-year-old boy, and he has just been convicted of child sex offences relating to possession of indecent images of youngsters. Specifically, pictures of girls his own age.

Now I should make it clear that the availability on the Internet of indecent images of children is a very bad thing, let there be no doubt whatsoever about that. However, is it just me that blanches at the prospect of demonising a boy for looking at pictures of girls his own age? A 43-year-old man getting his kicks from a picture of a young girl is appalling. A 13 year old boy doing it...well, it's not the same in my opinion. When I was 13, I pretty much fancied other 13-year-olds. Sorry. Does that make me somehow inclined toward paedophilia? If so, doesn't it make...well, every man in the land a possible child sex offender?

Of course it doesn't. This was a young boy who is discovering his sexuality. He finds girls of his own age attractive and the Internet provided him the means of finding pictures of such girls to provide him with sexual gratification. Again I must stress that the availability (the very existence in fact) of these pictures is a bad thing, but I suspect that this young boy isn't the only one who would avail himself of them. After having admitted that I was a Young Conservative I don't think I have many taboos left to break, but harking back to when I was that age, and if I'd had access to the same technology, then I suspect quite strongly that I would have done the same. Maybe that makes me a pervert, but I think it just makes me honest.

As I've grown older and changed, so have my tastes. I still like women my own age or thereabouts and, happily, being an adult this means I am normal in my sexual preferences (well, comparatively so anyway). This boy has essentially been pilloried for the same thing. He will have to spend 18 months on the sex offenders’ register; he has already been through the court system and tarred with the same brush as those moon faced and pathetic men who really are child abusers. What kind of impact is this going to have on him I wonder? Obviously I can only speculate, but one would imagine that he is going to have a few issues to deal with as he gets older. He needed to be given understanding, not condemnation.

Once more, I should clarify a couple of things. He, as a child, should be given help and understanding so that he can grow up to lead a normal life. I am not advocating this same degree of help and understanding for genuine paedophiles. As the children that they were, I have the greatest of sympathy for the problems that they undoubtedly had and the abuse that they most probably suffered. As adults I want to know that they are either safely incarcerated or dead. There comes a point where, no matter how much we can understand what happened to make a person turn out to be a child abuser and no matter how tragic that is, we must put aside whatever need certain sections of society feel to rehabilitate them. I am given to believe that once someone develops a taste for paedophilia then one will always have this particular affliction. If I am wrong in that assertion then by all means correct me. But if we take it as the truth, then the only place paedophiles have in our society is to provide an example of what we need to do to ensure that nobody else turns out this way.

In my former profession I regularly met and conversed with paedophiles. As part of my job involved trying to convince these people that I was on there side, and as I am rather a good actor, I found that they tended to be very open with me. One of the truly terrifying things about them was their conviction that they had done nothing wrong. In their minds, the child was a willing partner (in one particular case, the gentleman assured me that the child was in fact the seducer. He was 8). The other thing that struck me about the paedophiles that I met was their manner. Without exception, their eyes were always downcast, they were meek and their every action was hesitant, almost apologetic in manner. Now believe it or not, I am of the mindset to feel sympathy for people who feel rightly or wrongly that they have been rejected by society. Possibly it is the inherent nerdiness in me, I don't know. And it is all too easy to forget that these gentle natured men were guilty of ruining young lives. And they would do it again, of that I have no doubt. Not because they are not given proper treatment in prisons as some claim. I believe that it is because they are untreatable. One may as well ask someone to stop having blue eyes; such is the bond between their actual psyche and their desire for sex with children. So loathe though I am to agree with the Hang 'em and Flog 'em brigade, I think that paedophiles should be thoroughly studied so that we can learn from them what we need and then quietly put down as one would get rid of a rabid animal.

As a quick side note, you may be intrigued to learn that certain academics seek to justify paedophilia on historical grounds as it was not merely accepted, but subtly encouraged in societies such as Ancient Greece and the Ottoman Empire. Fine, that was then and this is now. Both of those societies also encouraged the subjugation of other societies, the inferiority of women, and in the case of the Greeks, sacrifices to the gods. Things that were acceptable in olden times may not be acceptable in today’s society. As a keen student of history (yes, I really am that boring...) I know that one should interpret historical data in the light of the prevailing attitude of the time and of that region. The reverse is also true, and in our time and our region (i.e. the civilised world) child abuse is not acceptable in any way, shape, or form. I don't imagine anyone will disagree with that, but I had to get it off my chest.

As a final and somewhat more frivolous note, the news reports that I have seen on this particular issue make little or no distinction between pornography on the Internet, and child pornography on the Internet. This is a very important distinction to make because I (and I want there to be no doubt about this) think that pornography is great. I love it and can't praise it highly enough. Lest you think I'm somehow dirty for making this admission, I would point out a couple of facts. Firstly, approximately 69% (such an appropriate figure) of the Internet is comprised of pornography. Secondly, the porn industry has a turnover of $5 billion per year. That's bigger (and harder and faster and...sorry, sorry I got carried away) than a lot of major software firms can manage. So either 5 billionaires are spending an awful lot of time on their computers, or this stuff really is vastly popular. Well as I've started the ball rolling by stating my long time love of porn, and as I'm certainly not a billionaire, then I suspect the latter is true.

Now I don't just say this for the good of my health. I say it because I am sick of seeing normal porn being lumped together with kiddie porn. Effectively every person who likes porn is being told that they are little better than the bastards who abuse children are and I rather resent this. I'm not proposing some sort of media crusade against the mass vilification of pornography (although that would be rather fun..."Perverts of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your mess!") but I am proposing that we remember that we are not in the minority but the vast majority. Think on that the next time you read or see some report that attempts to compare pornography to the worst kinds of evil.

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