Thursday, 22 November 2007

A Matter of Trust

There has been something of a fuss lately about public trust in the media. For those of you who have been living in a cave for the last 8 months, and for those of you who are foreign (one and the same thing to an Englishman), there has been hand-wringing and soul-searching aplenty about the cavalcade of lies that the tellybox spews out on a daily basis. This has led to the print media doling out "TV Lies!" exclusives like a mad paedophile throwing sweets in a playground. Which has in turn caused the BBC to behave like a 12th century flagellant, so keen are they to reassure the braying herd that the Beeb is really sorry and can be trusted.

My initial thoughts about this were, it would appear, much the same as the initial thoughts of anyone who tries to project an image of themselves as cynical, world weary, and unsurprised by anything (i.e. anyone with a pair of testicles): "God, everyone knows that the media lie! What kind of loser doesn't realise that the information we're presented is manipulated with more skill than a Thai masseuse manipulates a lonely man to a happy ending?” Possibly you found that seam of thought was shot through with streaks of "Who cares if some mouthbreathing dolescum spunk all their coins on Richard and Judy phone in quizzes". Maybe that was just me.

That is all well and good, and I'm guessing that it's the best response that the Shitbox Overlords could hope for. In fact, judging by the recent "TV lies!" exclusives we've been seeing (does anyone really think that a children’s program calling a kitten by a name that wasn't voted for by all the sweet kiddies is an abuse of our trust?) one would be forgiven for thinking that we're being manipulated into thinking "Who gives a shit?" about the whole debacle.

But as I've thought about it a little more, I've found myself a little puzzled. Our reaction as a society to the notion that the people whom we rely on to bring us the facts about the world we live in are liars is something of a strange one. Rather than displaying the outrage that the print media has so desperately tried to manufacture, we've responded with breathtaking insouciance. We're all, it seems, at pains to point out that we were never so stupid as to believe what we were told by any media. We're all too clever and independent minded for that. Nobody has pointed out the very legitimate concern that if we cannot trust the media to deliver the facts about what is going on in the world, then none of us will actually know what is going on in the world. And in our ignorance, we'll be that much easier to render frightened and impotent.

Okay, I should explain myself before I'm written off as unduly paranoid. What I'm saying is that our collective reaction to the Media Lies To The Plebs shitstorm is not a healthy one for society. The role of the media in society should be to present us with the facts, perhaps with some basic analysis to help make complexities clearer, and allow us to make up our own mind. The role that it actually plays is to give us a version of events so skewed by subjectivity as to render it almost worthless. For example, any report on Fox News is going to present the right wing view of that event. The Guardian will always present a left wing view. So the same story will be presented with a totally different emphasis. We, the people, are (despite my more misanthropic moments) not that stupid, and so we will notice the disparity.

The logical conclusion to draw when presented with such disparities on a daily basis is "Sections of the media are lying to us". We can then either decide that the media that represents the political faction we agree with are telling the truth and condemn those opposing. Or (and this is the approach I suspect most of us take) we get so frustrated at being force fed conflicting viewpoints, each one presented as the unvarnished truth, that we decide that nothing in the media can be trusted and so grow apathetic about it. Thus when actual media lies are uncovered we simply sigh in amused detachment rather than reacting with the boiling fury that it warrants.

I think one of the reasons that this apathy is so terrifying to me is that it indicates that we don't actually care about the world around us any more. We don't care that we're lied to on a daily basis. All we seem to be fussed about is being made to look stupid or ill informed. But as it's the media who we rely on to keep us informed, we end up with the paradoxical situation where we don't listen to what they tell us (because we know they're lying, and we don’t want to be laughed at for believing their lies), but neither do we know what is actually happening because we have no easy alternative way to get the information. In other words we carefully maintain our own ignorance in order to avoid being mocked for our ignorance.

Some might say that the breakdown of trust in the media is no bad thing. We live in the Internet age and so we can avail ourselves of any information in an instant. Well yes, we can. However, being as any old yahoo can produce the information one finds in the self-professed Independent Internet Media, it's often of less value than the subjective news acquired from traditional media sources. An over-reliance on such sources leads inevitably to a Legion of Ottos (Otto being a fantastically stupid character from A Fish Called Wanda who insists, in the face of all available evidence, that he isn't stupid) who will make dunce-like proclamations of Oil being an inexhaustible natural resource that is produced by the earth's core, or that a high school shooter was being mind controlled by the government because "I saw it on the Manchurian Candidate" (I have talked to people who genuinely believe both of these things, and go so far as to take the piss out of anyone who doesn't go along with them. And people wonder why I have such a low opinion of humanity…).

So we find ourselves in a position where we cannot trust what we are told by the traditional media. Nor can we believe the reams of shite on the Internet. And because we cannot trust those sources, we have to make our minds up based on…well, based on nothing more than whatever our gut instincts might be. We have absolutely no frame of reference to help us come to an opinion. About the only news items that we can guarantee are not lies are those increasingly popular sections where once-respected journalists mindlessly read out the texted opinions of a public that, as members of, we know to be as ignorant as us. It seems that the media has seamlessly shifted from providing facts to recycling public stupidity.

So why do I find that so terrifying? Why am I, noted by all who know me as an anti-social despiser of people, so thoroughly pissed off at the willful ignorance of my fellow man? Jesus, isn't it obvious? The apathy generated by an endlessly lying media isn't just confined to our opinions of what is in the news. That apathy seeps into every aspect of our lives, because our lives are the news. We all know that governments are lying, self-serving, authoritarian drinkers of Lucifer’s jism. But rather than get annoyed, we tell a few ironic jokes. We're well aware that our working hours and conditions are causing health problems across the land, but we content ourselves with some blackly humorous grumbling. Because of our apathy, we're unconcerned at starting a war on terror that will last longer than the precious oil that is its root cause. And we dismiss anyone who points out that perhaps we might want to take better care of the only planet we have, or that our loss of civil liberties is a dark and terrible thing as someone who is just taking it all too seriously and should just relax because, hey, everyone knows the media are lying to us when they talk about global warming/terrorism/whatever.

And because of our apathy we're allowing people in positions of authority to abuse that trust with impunity. I don't wish to sound smugger than usual, but I'm no longer content to reassure myself that I'm still independent minded and clever enough to realise that we're fed daily doses of bullshit to keep up ignorant and compliant. I am, as the film says, as mad as hell. And I'm not going to take it any more.

Friday, 5 October 2007

Short Story: The Female of the Species

She checked her watch again; T minus 20 seconds. She’d been in place for six minutes and she was impatient to begin. There was no thought of whether the other three were in position; she had enough faith in them to expect nothing less than complete success on this mission. Nevertheless, she had enough experience to beware overconfidence. Once they moved in, they would only have a few minutes to take down the few perimeter guards and get Cassie inside, to the nearest terminal. That was going to be the biggest challenge; if a single guard managed to raise the alarm…well, then they’d have the whole base to deal with. And not on the terms she’d like either. Extraction was not an option unless the mission had been completed. As with so many previous missions, they all had to be perfect. Anything less would get them killed. Or worse, captured.

At exactly 26 minutes past 3 in the morning, the power for the electrified fence went down, and 3 grey clad figures emerged from the darkness and made their separate ways to the perimeter fence. They stealthily made their climb over the perimeter wall and were inside the facility by 26 minutes and 54 seconds past 3. At 27 minutes past, a soft crackling noise indicated that the fence’s power was back on. Though the three women had no reason to doubt Cassie’s ability to take down the power and delay the alarm, they all breathed a sigh of relief that the first phase had gone off without a hitch.

There were eight guards to deal with before the three women could send the signal for Cassie to join them. They had chosen their points of entry with the split of the guards in mind; both Lucy and Clare were to take down two guards apiece. This left Amanda to deal with the remaining four; one patroller and three gate guards. The Captain had been insistent that Amanda do the lion’s share in phase 2. This had annoyed Lucy to an extent; so Amanda had screwed up on the last mission. Everyone made mistakes, but as far as the rest of the team were concerned, Amanda atoned for hers by making sure all 6 of them got out alive. Yes, Nicky was still in hospital but in a few months she’d be back and good as new.

The Captain, though impressed with Amanda’s initiative subsequent to that (admittedly horrendous) cock-up was furious at the lapse in protocol that had led to it. This, Lucy reasoned, was her way of making Amanda prove her professionalism. “And if she doesn’t and winds up dead, will the Captain be sorry? Or will she just shrug and take on another team member?” Lucy, annoyed at herself for the distracting thought, shook her head to clear it. Amanda was one of the best Special Ops soldiers that Lucy had ever worked with. They could have told her to take down all eight and she’d probably still manage it quicker than with all five of them working together. But Nicky wasn’t here, and the Captain was co-ordinating this from the Eyrie. And so the three would have to do their tasks without the additional support. So be it.

Despite Lucy’s faith in Amanda’s ability, it was Clare who made the first contact. As the fence’s power had returned, one of her two guards had heard the crackle and made his way to the fence. Clare froze into perfect stillness as he passed her by without noticing, his eyes fixed on the fence. With a sweep of her arm executed with a ballerina’s grace, she took her Glock from it’s holster on her shoulder, brought it to bear and fired a single shot. She was close enough that the silencer had minimal effect on her aim, and the guard dropped to the ground. Working quickly in case anyone else had heard him hit the floor, she moved him into the shadows of one of the outlying facility buildings. She whispered “First contact, complete” into the microphone under her ski-mask.

Amanda smiled as Clare’s voice came through her earpiece. The others tended to write Clare off as lacking the killer instinct. “Too methodical and too damn slow” was the main complaint. Amanda on the other hand, never doubted Clare’s ability for a second. So she was methodical? Then she made fewer mistakes. And Amanda had recently had cause to really appreciate getting it right without any errors. Now Clare had just proved that she could be as good as making snap decisions as she was making them with the luxury of time on her side. All Amanda had to do was the work of two women against four Spetznaz trained guards. Simple, right?

She dealt with the patroller first. For all his Special Forces background, weeks of idly patrolling what had become the world’s most boring perimeter must have dulled his edge. She had gotten both arms into place before he even registered her presence, and the compression of his carotid artery made for a silent death. As she lowered him to the floor, she whispered “Second contact complete”. Almost instantaneously, Clare’s voice was heard “Se…third contact complete”.

In spite of herself, Lucy was impressed. She’d always regarded Clare as being fundamentally unsuited to field ops. As Intel, she was second to none but Lucy had misgiving about trusting her with the simple task of killing. It seemed her doubts had been misplaced. Once again, the Captain’s decisions were the right ones. The Captain was always right it seemed, and that fact provoked a faint, nebulous sense of irritation in Lucy.

Happily, she had an immediate opportunity to deal with it; both of her patrollers had met on their circuitous route. Amanda and Clare’s kills had made it imperative that these two not live to walk their patrol again. Rather unprofessionally, both had stopped to exchange a few words. This gave her a couple of seconds to decide on how she was going to do this. She couldn’t give either man a chance to shout or raise any sort of alarm that would lead to the alarm going off. And good as she was, it would be arrogant in the extreme to assume that she could get two perfect shots off in the short time it would take either man to draw breath and make a noise.
With the speed and grace that was her norm, she set a simple trip-trap. A volley of darts, loaded with Ketamine, would launch from the small box she positioned at chest height and at least one would hit the target’s flesh. She retreated back to the few shadows that the numerous floodlights in the facility grounds allowed, and waited.

The men finished their final chat, and made their way onwards. Their pace was maddeningly uneven; by the time that the first guard had triggered the trap, the second was at the very edge of her vision. Though they generally worked without night sights, Lucy found herself wishing for one as she fired the shot simultaneously with the darts finding their target.

She should have spared her wish for another time; a red Rorschach blot blossomed on the ground in front of the man as he fell, looking for all the world like a man who had drunkenly stumbled and fell. When she was satisfied that he wasn’t getting back up, she made her way over to the prone, pin-cushioned, and heavily drugged guard. She placed her gun to his temple, and pulled the trigger. A quick spasm marked the end of his life. Lucy checked both guards for a pulse. As she dismantled the trip trap, she muttered “Contacts four and five complete”.

Amanda had just finished getting the dead man’s fatigues on over her own grey combat suit when she heard Lucy’s voice. The final three contacts were all down to her, and it had to be done quickly. She tried to remember how the guard had walked, silently cursing herself for not allowing him a few more moments of life so that she could better observe how he moved. Not bothering to hide the body now that all the patrollers were dead, she took a deep breath and advanced on the gate.

One of the guards sat in the booth flipping idly through the worn pages of a magazine. The other two, a man and a woman, were at the gate itself. The man turned and nodded an acknowledgement to Amanda, confirming that her disguise was good enough for what was required of it. She nodded back and, head down, approached the booth. She walked around it to the door, opened it, and stepped inside. She closed the door behind her and turned to face the guard who looked up from his magazine

The report of the rifle rang out at an almost painful volume in the cramped booth. Although it muffled the shot to the outside world, it didn’t muffle it nearly enough to hide the sound from the two guards on the gate. The door was kicked open just as Amanda had turned to face it. Three shots sent him staggering back, and Amanda followed him, training her gun on the momentarily startled woman. Her life ended in that moment. The echo of the final shot faded away.

“Contacts six through eight complete. Cassie, in you come.”

Lucy and Clare joined Amanda at the booth.

- “No silencer?” Clare’s tone neutral, not implying any fault.
- “No need. All the other contacts were done. There’s no way the noise will have been heard in the facility.”

Lucy nodded in agreement with Amanda’s assessment, as did Clare. They waited for Cassie to join them. She was there in just over two minutes, her cheerful face red with exertion and perched on her stocky frame. She smiled at all three of her colleagues, then made her way to the terminal within the booth. From a pocket came a flash drive, filled with all manner of beautifully coded pieces of poison, which was inserted into a dock in the terminal.

“O-kay…lockdown is easy enough to initiate, but there’s a bitch of a failsafe to ensure that the main alarm goes off. The Captain says that there are 3 people in there who have the authorisation code to disarm the Suppression measures, and if they hear that alarm you can be damn sure that’s what they’ll do.”

Lucy sighed inwardly, knowing exactly where this was going. Amanda gamely played her part; “Can you deal with it Cass?”

Cassie’s grin broadened. “What do you think? Give me 10 minutes to bypass it and get the lockdown started. Unless one of them decides to come out for some air, the first they’ll know of it is when they hear the gas vents. At which point, they’re fucked. The corporation chiefs are so shit-scared of any of the fun that they’re researching finding it’s way out of that facility that the Suppression won’t leave fleas alive, let alone people.”

Lucy nodded. She hadn’t been happy at the unknown factor; what if one of them did decide to come out for air? She would have to trust Cassie to make sure that any disarm codes’ binary scream went unheard. Again though, she needn’t have worried. It was seven minutes later when Cassie said “Okay, we’re on.”

It would be three minutes before the Suppression measures began, and Cassie had hacked the facilities internal cameras to monitor things. The women clustered around the terminal and watched anxiously. The three minutes passed without incident. The majority of the people were sleeping in their bunks; the entire Research team were in bed. Only a few insomniacs and security staff were out of their beds.

The cameras showed those facility staff that were still awake reacting with puzzlement to the hissing noise from the walls. That soon gave way to shock, and then fear. Whatever that stuff was, it was effective. The twenty or so people who had been awake were unconscious within twenty seconds and dead in another twenty. Those who had been sleeping died quietly and without fuss.

Cassie touched a button and the monitor went dead. She retrieved her flash drive, and left the booth with the others. As they made their way from the facility gates, Lucy spoke into her face-mic.

“Facility staff neutralised. Lockdown complete. ETA at extraction point, 5 minutes”

A mellifluous voice answered. “Good work. See you all back at the Eyrie.”

From the Captain, that counted as the ringing praises of a choir of angels. Satisfied with a job executed professionally, the women made their way to the extraction point and from thence, home.

Friday, 28 September 2007

Short Story: Any Regrets?

If I were to be allowed just one regret in my long life, it would be that I haven’t been an honourable man. That may surprise you, but I imagine it would surprise you more to know that it is an honest and heartfelt truth.

Everything started out so simply and without any guile. Much has been said about my humble beginnings. My early life in the army, that of an unspectacular Second Lieutenant who did the job that was in front of him and nothing more. Of my subsequent fledgling career as a journalist and all that stolidly written, workmanlike copy. What is all the louder for being unsaid is the bafflement at how someone whose ambition seemed limited to doing what he was told and doing it competently got to where he is. What you have to understand is that nothing was planned. I didn’t have any Caesar like machinations to get where I am. Things just happened.

I have a second surprise for you; those first few weeks were terrifying for me. Have you ever experienced the fear that comes from knowing you’ve done the wrong thing and are just waiting to be caught? I had the dread borne of knowing I’d done the right thing and only having my conscience to answer to. Although I suppose that realisation only hit me fully his wife wanted to speak to me.

I’m getting a little ahead of myself I suppose, but you’ll allow an old man his meandering thoughts, won’t you? The part that you all know about is the kidnap and the subsequent murder. That’s all a matter of public record, the Home Secretary kidnapped along with the hack interviewing him. The killing of all his bodyguards. The three days before anything was heard, and what was heard being far from what was expected. Trust me, if you’d heard what had really happened…but that’s what you’re here for, isn’t it? The last words of the Peacemaker. When I do move on to the next life, I expect Orwell to punch me squarely in the face for that title.

All I knew was that we were in van, we were hooded, and we were travelling at speed. Our captors spoke in harsh, barked commands in a language I recognised as Farsi. “Al-Qaeda!” was the blindingly obvious conclusion I had drawn, and I assumed the Home Sec would draw the same one. Then I heard his familiar voice calmly stating “All right Michael, I think we can drop that now.”

Then silence for a moment. There was a rustling noise, then “Ah, Christ that’s better! Okay, could you give me our status please Michael?”

My initial fears of terrorists allayed, I assumed I was taking part in some sort of exercise, a demonstration of the vulnerability of a senior minister with a view to building support for the current raft of security legislation that had caused rioting when first announced. And here was I, the tame and unimaginative hack to write the exclusive.

“What? Oh him. I wouldn’t worry about Christian names Michael; I rather doubt it will matter very much to him in a few days. Now come on, status report.” The smooth voiced politico voice was gradually faded to be replaced with that of a man dealing with his subordinates. The next voice to make itself heard was a deep Scots burr.

“Very well sir. The kidnap itself went exactly as planned. The grab has resulted in the deaths of your bodyguard, and 3 civilians were unfortunately caught in the crossfire. Our contacts in the Met have ensured that only the false information concerning our vehicle and whereabouts is acted on, and we’ve made sure the usual sources are already disseminating misinformation over the media and internet. Our ETA is 15 minutes. We need to get you made up and him beaten up before we start filming. If we keep on schedule, we’ll be out of their by 2pm and travel in a rented car to the safe house. We’ll keep you both out of sight for 2 days, wait for the media frenzy to build. Them we’ll release both video and body. Any questions sir?”

“No…no, thank you Michael. Very good. Now, as our friend here appears to have soiled himself, do you think we could do something about the smell?”

I didn’t know what was going on, but what I did know was not good news for me. I few (very very un-Islamic) voices started a groaning, mocking chorus.

- What fucking unit was this wanker in?
- To shit himself like that? Probably the marines Geordie!
- Yeah yeah, fuck off Rich. Well done, you’ve just won first prize in the Cleaning up the Shitty Journalist competition. We're going to be working on him, and I don’t want shit sprayed around the place while we’re working.”

A cacophony of laughter almost obscured the litany of complaints from whomever Rich was. No one else said anything for the rest of the journey. I was left to myself, head in a hood and shit in my trousers. I didn’t think it was worthwhile offering that I’d been no more than a glorified clerk in the army. To be honest, I had other things on my mind.

When we arrived, I was stripped but for the hood. Cold water blasted my indignity clean before fists and feet inflicted it afresh. I still didn’t know who these people were and what they wanted, but they clearly enjoyed a good time at someone else’s expense; I was beaten so badly that I wished I could’ve died, then paraded in front of a camera in a room draped with black flags and golden Arabic script. This was the first time they’d even taken the hood off me, and the first time I saw any of my dark haired, olive skinned captors. When they took it off, a blurred figure in front of me spoke in that same Scots voice I had heard in the van.

“Jesus…Heh, you boys had fun then? Alright, can you speak son? CAN YOU SPEAK?”

A blow to the jaw followed. I tried to say something, a plea perhaps. My word came out as a slurred string of nonsense.

“Okay, let’s get started. We’ve got 10 minutes while that prick is still in makeup so let’s try to go for one take. Ready? On my mark…mark”

The brogue vanished in a flash leaving a screaming, ranting Farsi in it’s wake. I’ve no idea what was being said; I was broken and resigned to death by this point. I just wanted it all to end.

We must’ve got what was desired, because we did get it in one take according to an audibly satisfied Michael. The hood went back on, and a volley of punches and kicks drove me to the floor, with some more of the same to keep me there.

As I regained consciousness, I was aware of hearing the Home Sec’s scared but measured voice.

“…are serious. They wish me to tell you that the body that came with this message is the first of 2 if their…please. Please I have a wife, I have children! Please! I…okay okay, stop! Please don’t hit me any more, I’m sorry!

If their demands are not met then there will be another body to follow the first. Be brave Sarah, and tell Ka…no, please let me say something to my wife!”

- It’s alright sir, the camera has stopped running
- Oh, righto. How was that?
- Yeah, that was good. The makeup looks excellent. You’d think you’d got the worst of the beating.

These two voices chuckled at that, just two people sharing a joke. I’m not sure why, but that’s what set off the fuse in my mind. “You’re going to die, and it’s just a joke.” That was the first thought.

I was picked up and dumped in a van, hands still tied in front of me. After we arrived at our destination, I was taken indoors and down some stairs. My hood was taken off my head a second time and I was face to face with one of my captors. He put something down next to me, and stood to leave. “Call it a last drink mate” came the genial voice, and the door closed on me.

The room was small and windowless, bare of everything but walls, ceiling, floor and door. Next to me was a half-drunk bottle of Jack Daniels. It took me an hour to make out the label; I later found out that the beating had almost caused one of my retinas to detach.

The next few hours should have been a lonely hell made bearable by whisky. Instead, the fuse that a poor joke had lit began to burn away in my brain. They were going to kill me in the morning. I was a prop in a performance, nothing else. I didn’t matter. I was inconsequential. My only value in them lay as way of drawing attention to a fake message. I wanted to stay alive.

By the time the same man arrived in the morning to take me to my end, he looked into the room and saw an empty bottle and a glazed expression on my face. He came in the room and squatted down beside me.

It’s safe to say that he didn’t expect to find himself lying on the floor, groaning in surprise as his brain tried to process exactly how the semi-comatose drunk had managed to snatch the bottle from the floor and smash it into the side of his head in a single, sweeping motion. Had he the time to consider it, I’m sure he would have expected to find hand scrabbling at his holster to get his pistol. That time was cut short by an almost certainly unexpected click of the safety catch and the following explosion of the bullet through the back of his skull before it tore into the greyness that made him what he was.

Maybe I should've told him I'd poured the whisky onto the floor and watched it seep away into the boards?

I had heard people like them before when I was the glorified army clerk. Big boys with dangerous toys and letting the whole world what big, swinging dicks they are. They’d already relegated me to the status of body, and I will treasure the look of surprise on the faces of the two men who came bundling into the room as I shot them both.

I had no idea how many there were you know. I didn’t much care about anything at that point. I didn’t expect to escape, and I didn’t expect to live. I just wanted to make sure that I didn’t die a joke. Can you understand that? It wasn’t my military training, as some of the more entertaining conspiracy theorists have hinted at. And it wasn’t the desire to be the hero of the hour that the media painted it to be. I didn’t have a wife and children to get away to, and my parents were long dead. The only regret I had right then was that no-one would feed my cat Miette when I was gone. 3 of them were dead because they thought I was a joke, and I wanted to kill more until I stopped being funny.

One of them had a semi-automatic rifle, which relegated the pistol to getting tucked into the back of the green combat fatigues I’d been given to replace my brown crusted jeans.

There was no look of surprise on the man I encountered on leaving that room, simply a gunshot that was answered with 8 of my own. I stepped over the contorted, bloodied, and extravagantly dead man and continued to the foot of the stairs. It looked like I was being held in a cellar of some kind. I decided not to chance peering up through the trap door, preferring to let another 5 bullets precede me. A thump followed by a panicked shout and a door slamming seemed to confirm the wisdom in those bullets, so I pushed up and out. Michael’s vacant eyes greeted me.

That was the first thing that even gave me pause. It was perhaps just over a minute since I’d fired the first shot and 5 people were dead. Dead by my hand. I may sound regretful as I say that now, but at the time…at the time I had less compassion toward the men who’d placed me in that situation. And I’d heard a door slam, probably the one on the wall less than 10 feet away.

I stood for a moment longer, staring back into Michael’s dead eyes. The door flew open, and the minister burst into the room holding a gun in shaking hands whilst he stared at me with wild eyes.

His shots all went wild. Every one. The click-clicking of the empty gun went on for a long time before I spoke.


The impotent gun ceased it’s noise and dropped from his hands as he sank to his knees.

“Don’t kill me. Please don’t kill me! I’ve got a wife, I’ve got children I…”
As I advanced on him he cowered and received the rifle butt in his face for his trouble.


It was difficult to make out any coherent narrative in the whimpering and mewling that followed. And to be fair, I wasn’t in the best frame of mind to have what seemed a turgid little power-play explained to me. But I learned that the 5 men I had killed were ex army, all of whom had been employed by the Home Office whenever MI5 needed to be kept out of matters that might cause them any dismay. And I would guess that killing 5 British Muslims and storing their bodies in this safe house to be found when the crack 5 man military unit save the Home Sec and kill the 5 radicals who kidnapped him and killed the journalist with him would cause significant dismay.

What dismayed the Home Secretary was the amount of money he stood to lose if the Security legislation did not see the light of day. I’m afraid he wasn’t very clear on the specifics of that; he was babbling and crying a lot, and I’m happy to say that he’d shat himself too.

Then he started crying for his wife and children again so I shot him. I’ve always hated hypocrites.

We were in an isolated enough place that the gunshots caused no alarm. I was left in a house with 6 dead men for company. What started as an angry attempt to win back some dignity had ended in blood, tears, and freedom. And I now had to cope with the reality of what I’d just done.

From there, we enter the wonderful world of public record again. My heroic attempt to save the Home Sec from a rogue element of the Security Services who wanted to stoke the fear of the Islamic world for their own benefit became a very popular story for a while, and everyone wanted a piece of me.

But I was scared. There was no way that he could have planned this alone, without the knowledge of anyone in government. I was terrified of having an “accident”, though my paranoia was diagnosed and dismissed as post-traumatic stress.

When his wife came to see me, cameras blazing in the ward, I was practically hallucinating with the fear. I’d barely slept in days, and I didn’t know who was going to get me or how. Maybe she would be the one to kill me? Revenge for her husband? Stupid of course; she was a nice enough lady and gave no indication she’d ever had much interest in politics. But she must have adored her husband. The pain in her eyes as she asked me if her husband had suffered much at the hands of the Faked Five was…well, I don’t like to think too much about it. I didn’t answer her, and the nurses said I was too doped up. But I never made any effort to speak to her later. I couldn’t bear facing her and shattering her illusions or trying to maintain mine.

And so I got myself into politics. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, right? There was enough goodwill toward me that getting elected wasn’t a problem. And you know all about how the cabinet at the time made good use of me as an example to get some of that Security legislation brought in to fanfare and cheers later on. I really didn’t care; the fuse was still burning; they’re going to kill you. You need to stay alive. And I did it by being their poster boy. They got what they wanted, and I got to smile for the cameras and help them get rich.

You know, I don’t know whether them naming the final Act after me when it became law was a stunt for the public or a joke on me. But I didn’t care. I was the Peacemaker, the man who brought about the laws that ensure security for the public.

Even after those laws bit them on the backside, even after the majority of that cabinet had been shot after show trials, and even after that new breed of bastards got on the scene, the ones that don’t even kid themselves about their greed, I’ve stayed sacrosanct as the Peacemaker. And more importantly, alive.

Now isn’t the best time to decide whether a noble death would have been better than this longevity at the price of liberty. But it’s death that’s coming for me soon, and I suppose I’ll find out afterwards whether it was worth it. But I hope that regret counts for something.

Friday, 24 August 2007

Untitled Short Story #2

The thing that struck me most when we arrived was the stillness in the air. Not oppressive, nor as the prelude to a thunderstorm. Everything felt so…peaceful. Even when we started searching and found the horrors that lay behind every door in that tiny hamlet, the aura of the place was one of serene tranquillity.

I know I wasn’t the only one who felt it either. As Jim and I got out of the patrol car, our conversation had ceased suddenly, as if the air had been stolen from our lungs. We had pulled up next to what we took to be the village green. I remember that Jim said something about how the smattering of houses that made up the hamlet of Dantons View could fit onto that green 3 times over. It wasn’t a particularly amusing or witty comment you understand. It was exactly like Jim; factually accurate, somewhat irritating, and requiring a forced laugh from myself to prevent any repetition. But it’s the last thing I remember him saying. I’m told we were there for just over 15 minutes before backup arrived, and I can’t remember either of us saying a thing in that whole time. I mean, we must’ve of course, but I just don’t remember what it was.

We both stood there stunned by, and into, silence. At the risk of repetition and incurring your disbelief, I have to stress this; everything felt so golden. So…so awesome. Don’t get me wrong; what we found there knocked that feeling right out of my head. But sometimes, I do wonder about why it all felt so right when everything turned out to be so wrong.

Jim cleared his throat, and I looked across the patrol car at him. He jerked his head toward the small cottage to my left; it was a pretty little stone-built affair with a small but clearly well tended garden that was an explosion of summer bloom. Jim placed his helmet on his head and started toward it. I shook my head to clear it, and then refocused on the task at hand.

We didn’t hear the 999 call that had led to us being here. All we heard was the dispatch calling all cars about a possible violent disturbance at Dantons View. Jim and I were just finishing up a working lunch in the beer garden of The Hanged Man. Jim always liked to stop by at one of the many pubs that seemed to be scattered around Dorset like seeds in a field. He was a Dorset boy, born and bred, and I think he liked the status afforded him as a dedicated country-boy bobby. Me, I always thought that was just an act to get himself free beer and lunches. But I suppose you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead.

I got to hear that call a few months later, when the doctors said I was well enough to be interviewed about what had happened. It was the strangest thing; you hear the 999 operator’s voice, professional tones cut with that oo-arr accent I used to love. But she’s cut off by a woman saying…no, shouting I suppose. She shouts “Please!” Just once, that’s all. And not crying and tearful either. She sounds scared all right, but she sounds shakily in control. Then there’s a click, and then a sort of high pitched whining, bit like what you get on them old tellies when you switched them on and off. Only it keeps going, gets louder and higher. All the doctors in the room looked like rabbits in crosshairs when they got to that bit of the tape, and I don’t suppose I looked to good either. You can just hear the operator going “Agh!” and there’s some thumping, which I suppose must’ve been her ripping her headset off and throwing it away. That whine lasts for 20 seconds, but it felt longer. Then there’s a silence for just a moment.

After that, I hears this voice saying one word. It’s a difficult voice to do justice to, but I’ll try and describe it although you might not like what I’ve got to say about it. It was…well, I’m a father twice over. If you’re a dad like me, you’ll know what I mean but if not you’ll have to take my word for this. Anyway, when you’re a dad, one of the proudest moments of your life is when you hear your little ‘un say it’s first word. It’s a joy, it really is. You see this little intelligence behind your kid’s eyes; they’re not just babbling, they’re communicating with you for the very first time. I’ve heard it twice now and it hit me in the same way each time; pride, joy, tears, and wonderment. Your little lad or lass stops being something that you just care for, and they start to be something you can relate to. They’re not just a gurgling receptacle for you your love and care any more; they’ve started on the road to being thinking, talking, breathing beings, and they’re something that came from you from nothing. You feel like you’re part of a miracle. All of that, all of it comes from that first word from your child’s mouth.

The voice said “Good.” That’s all it said, but in that one word I got that same feeling; something making tentative steps toward intellect and it’s own identity. It even sounded like a little kid’s voice. If you’d heard it in any other context, you would’ve coo-ed and ahh-ed at it. As is, soon as I heard it I started screaming. They had to sedate me for another week; every time I came round I started screaming again. I hear two of the three doctors who were there listening have quit now. Doesn’t surprise me.

Anyway, Jim walks up to the gate and unlatches it. We both walk through and take the 6 steps to the front door. Jim knocks on it. No answer. He knocked again, a bit harder and this time the door opens. No Hammer Horror creaking or anything like that, just a duck egg blue door swinging slightly and quietly inward. There weren’t any noises inside except for the tick of a Grandfather clock. But in that crack of the door opening, I thought I saw something inside.

I shoved Jim aside, interrupting him as he was about to call out “Mrs Henderson?” I would guess (her name, along with the name of the house, was all the dispatcher had given us). Jim always took himself very seriously, and I can’t imagine he would’ve let me off easy about that shove later on. As it happened, it didn’t matter and I don’t suppose it would’ve mattered even if he’d lived bearing in mind what was in there.

Considering how much blood there was in that living room, I don’t know why it struck me as odd that none of that sticky crimson mess had seeped through into the kitchen or the entrance hall. It was as if someone had taken that living room to another building to commit its atrocity, then quietly taken it back. I stood there, dumbfounded; walls, ceiling, floor, and anything on them were covered in blood. When you say that, you just say it and you imagine a room painted red, right? This wasn’t like that; there were thick black clots of it oozing around. There were purples in there; it looked like a madman’s palette. And the centrepiece…I understand that they’ve still not been able to figure out how he did it; the bones and fibres of muscle were all knotted together. 7 people died to make that abomination. Both of Mrs Henderson’s cats too; I saw a couple of paws sticking out from that ungodly mess.

Jim and I, well we were rooted to the spot. We didn’t want to see something like that, but when you do see something like that…well you just can’t stop watching, can you?

At first, I thought the noise was Jim throwing up until I realised that it wasn’t coming from behind me but in front of me. A small, squelching, and human noise. I swear to God I saw the thing move, and that broke my trance. I turned and I ran. Jim took his lead from me for once, and he ran too. We got back to the patrol car, an oasis in the desert of sound with it’s crackling radio. I hadn’t noticed that our own radios had gone dead as soon as we’d gone into the house, and they stayed that way after we got out. I grabbed the mic and tried to say something. My throat was cracked though, and all I could manage was a couple of little squeaks that would have sounded hilarious at another time. I guess the fact that I was trying to talk to control but couldn’t was what made up their minds to send backup. By my reckoning, that means there was about 10 minutes between my failed attempt to use a simple police radio, and the arrival of half a dozen squad cars, ambulances and (a little later on) a team of 4 soldiers to try and take old Albert down.

I heard Jim give a gasp from outside of the car. When I looked out, he was staring at the upper window of Number 1, Dantons View. It was a great big old thing, probably a farmhouse way back when, but now owned by a burnt out bigshot from the city, Jonathon something or other, and his wife. There was something undulating in the window, but I couldn’t quite see what it was; it was greenish-white and I can’t swear to this, but I thought it looked like old dead skin. The more I looked at it, the more I became certain I could hear, just at the margins of the silence, the sound of someone giggling.

Jim turned and ran. He ran the 200 or so yards across that village green, went straight over a fence, and through the open door of one of the other houses. The door slammed shut, and I was 100 yards away, Jim’s mad dash having taken me off-guard. I flung the door open as I got there 15 seconds later. Jim was stood only 2 yards in front, his back to me. Facing him was a man who must’ve been in his Sixties. He was a strange looking man, beanpole legs supported pot bellied and sallow frame which in turn sprouted spindly arms. His white hair was wild, but his face was serene and he was smiling that terrible, calm smile that I still see in some of my nightmares. I’ve been told his name was Albert, and that he was a retired antiques dealer. That smile never left his face. Not then, not when he killed 2 more police officers who were there as backup, not when he was shot through the knees to render him immobile. I’m told that as he bashed his own head in whilst he was awaiting trial in his cell at Brampton, even whilst his brains sprayed out of his self-destroyed skull, he still had that smile on his face.

I don’t know about that, but he was definitely smiling when his hand snaked out and took Jim by the throat. Smiling when he lifted him. Smiling as he looked into Jim’s eyes. Smiling when, without any seeming effort, he closed his hand into a fist crushing Jim’s larynx and tearing through his arteries. Jim danced a stringless puppet dance as he died, and Albert kept staring at him. Again, this could be just an imperfect recollection of a pretty emotional moment, but I thought Albert’s eyes changed a little as Jim died. They went from blankly smiling to a kind of puzzlement. No, that’s not right. Curiosity.

Then he looked at me, and dropped Jim like an old toy. I’m not ashamed to say that my bladder failed me when that old man looked me in the eye. It wasn’t fear though. Aye, I know; that sounds like coppers bravado, but it wasn’t. I felt elated when he looked at me. I felt like everything bad that had happened to me didn’t matter any more, and that everything was going to be all right. Now you might say that’s a stupid thing to think whilst Jim’s arterial blood was spraying me, Albert, and the whole room, right? And you’d be right. But you weren’t there. So to hell with you; you don’t know.

Albert’s beaming visage came closer to mine, and as it did the ecstasy in my brain doubled, then tripled. It was sheer bliss, that feeling. I wondered if that’s how everyone feels when they know, unequivocally, that they are about to die. Then everything went black.

By the time I came round, 4 days had passed. The doctors said that they couldn’t find any injuries on me, and that my coma had been as a result of extreme nervous trauma. My parents, worried looking and drawn, were sat by my bed as I woke. I don’t see them much nowadays. I think seeing their son screaming obscenities and with madness in his eyes when he first woke up has somewhat affected their view of me.

It took even more time to get me from screeching loon, to catatonic stupor, to tentatively sane recovery. In all that time, no-one has told me what was in the other houses in Dantons View. No-one has explained what happened to me. No-one seems to want to talk to me about it. I know none of the houses there have been re-occupied; they all sit empty with rather forlorn looking FOR SALE signs in each of their gardens. The story may not have made headlines, but word gets around and even the whispered rumours of what happened have been enough to put off any interest.

I’ll be getting medical retirement from the force in a few months. No-one seems to begrudge me it. In fact, most of ‘em are happy to see me go. Coppers can be a superstitious bunch, and I think they see me as a Jonah or something. Or maybe they’re angry at me for not dying like Jim or the other two. I don’t know, and to be honest I don’t care. By the time I get my retirement, I’ll have been on convalescence for almost a year. I’ll have saved up £20,000. With the way things are, I’ll be able to put down a good sized deposit on a house in Dantons View. I haven’t decided which one yet, but I’m counting down the days until I can go and see the Estate Agent’s and put in my offer.

This could be a new beginning for me; the start of something much better.

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

Untitled Short Story

I dunno. Things seem a lot more peaceful now that the confiscations are all in the past. The recent past I grant you, but the past is what it is; best left behind. It all seems sorta distant now. What’s that feeling you get, when you’re having a dream? Disconnected? Is that it? Whatever it is, that’s what I’m talking about.

The whole thing seems ridiculous now that I come to say it out loud. The newspapers are forbidden from reporting on it now, and to tell you the truth, they all seem pretty relieved about that. Maybe not the reporters themselves; I’m sure there are a few good apples out there. But the big media barons? Heh; you can bet they’re about as happy as pigs in the proverbial right now. How do you run a story like that without making yourself look like a fool? Or scaring the shit out of your readership. Either way, who wants to pick from one choice or the other?

Anyway, that’s not what you give a shit about, right? You just want the good stuff. Fuckin’ MTV generation…yeah, I know I know; it was all better in the “good old daze” right? Well…fuck you. It was. It’s called a daze for a reason. It means a pleasant stupor. Did you know that? We were all pleasantly stupid about what was going on. Not like now; now we know something is going on but we’re fucked if we know what. That being true, I think I’ll stay with my happy memories of being stupid. That okay with you?

So there’s this closed session at the UN. For the first time in it’s history, every world leader is gonna be there. Every one. Didn’t matter if they were the Queen of Sheba or the Cunt from Canada. All world leaders were gonna be face to face. The idea was to “provide a face to face forum to end world war” or some such shit. I don’t really remember and, well, I can’t check my facts any more can I?

Anyway, the session lasted 17 days. The whole world seemed to hold it’s breath while the king shits of turd mountain sat and talked. Two of ‘em died. I always think it was a fuckin’ miracle it was only two; all those fat, rich, happy bags of piss and wind? Putting them all in one room for so long? Jesus, I’m surprised no-one suffocated on the bullshit.

2 fewer and 17 days older, the press got summoned to hear what all those brilliant world minds had agreed upon. I remember watching it on YouTube before the internet got shut down; some bleary eyed American President announced that “measures will be taken across all countries and by all peoples to guarantee peace in our time”. At which point, if we’d been a halfway sensible people, we’dve thrown those pricks back and that room and told ‘em to fuck off. Pretty much every conflict worldwide had died down in those 17 days. 17 days with no stupid old man trying to solve a grudge with young man’s blood had led to a distinct lack of direction for people whose hate petered out pretty quickly without orders to sustain it.

Then the books started being confiscated. The list was drawn up (not that we ever saw the fucking thing) and the authorities started cleaning them up. Funny; you always think that sort of thing is gonna be all stern faces and moustaches on pricks. Turns out it’s a bunch of mousy, polite men and women in overalls collecting books from shops and from houses to be removed “for the good of mankind”.

I’m not sure anyone really even misses them to be honest. Hadn’t read most of ‘em so who gives a shit, y’know? There was a lot of protests by people saying that their civil liberties were were being taken away from them. I dunno about that; if you want to read, there’s plenty of books still to choose from. But…well like I said at the start; it’s weird. We all heard that there was a big plan for world peace, and then the confiscations started so we all just assumed…well, it must be for our own good, right? Why else would all our leaders want to get rid of certain books?
Now…now there’s a strange atmosphere. I get the sense that everyone is waiting to see what happens next. No-one seems to know but I know there’s that tingle in the air; not the one you get before a storm, but the one before a senseless pub kicking or when that kid got caught stabbing cats. We’ll see I suppose.

So why’re you making this program then? Wouldn’t have thought talking about this stuff was exactly popular now.

Who did you say you were with again? BBC?

Can I see your press pass again please mate?

Friday, 27 July 2007

Army of Me: Fifth chapter

386 days ago

The key rattled in the lock of the front door. Joanna awoke on the sofa with a start, and looked around in that special state of bewilderment reserved for the suddenly woken. Why was she on the sofa? What time is it? Where the bloody hell was Alex? What is that abominable shite on the TV? She glanced at her watch and was greeted with the revelation that it was just before 6am, which meant that the gaudy celebnews vomiting from the screen was Breakfast TV on BBC1. She was on the sofa, she remembered, because she had waited up for Alex to come home from what he had promised was going to be “a quiet one with some of the lads from work.” And that key in the lock was, presumably, Alex attempting to make a stealthy return from his sedate evening’s fun.

She heard the front door slowly open. A few moments later, it closed quietly. She waited until she heard the creak on the stairs and shouted “Alex? Is that you?” Judging the immediacy of the creaking’s cessation, it was. A croaking voice confirmed it; “You’re up early. Are you okay?”

The fug of her awakening was blasted clear by burning fury. She leapt up from the sofa and stormed through into the entry hall to see a dishevelled, bleary eyed, and unmistakably guilty looking husband half way up the stairs. “Oh I’m fine Alex, just fine. I thought I’d wait up for my husband to return. And here I am. Alex, just what fucking time do you call this?”

Alex winced at his wife’s raised voice. He walked back down the stairs to come and face her. “Jesus…look, Joanna I’m really sorry. I’m sorry, I just…look I was going to come home I really was. It’s…well…” he sighed as his thoughts tailed off, and as he reached her he tried to cover for the non-existence of his answer by enveloping her small frame in a hug. “I’m so sorry Joanna; it won’t happen again I promise.”

Joanna put up with the embrace for a few moments before shoving Alex back. He gave her the look of a freshly kicked puppy as she did so. “WHAT won’t happen again Alex? Where exactly the fuck have you BEEN? You didn’t even call, I’ve been worried sick!” And true enough, she had been. When he hadn’t returned by midnight, she’d assumed he’d gone onto a club to continue his quiet and refined evening out. When the clock struck one and he hadn’t returned, she had begun to fret for him. She hadn’t dozed off until well after 4, which was a testament to just how hard she’d been working over the previous few weeks, because by that point she’d convinced herself that he might be lying dead in a gutter or awake in some other woman (in which case, the former would very soon become true).

Alex, eyes cast downward in a gesture of supplication, offered no immediate answer. Indeed, he seemed to be lost for words. Joanne felt a sliver of ice cold fear stab through her stomach and into her heart. She thought that she recognised the guilt of a man caught cheating in his face, and she fought to control the renewed surge of anger before asking in a voice strained with tension “Were you with someone last night?”

His head snapped up at this, and his eyes blazed through the misty beginnings of teardrops. “No. Joanna, Jo no I’ve not…shit is that what you think?” He searched her drawn face for confirmation, and took her continued glare as such. “Jo, I swear to you on my life that I wasn’t with another woman last night. It’s not like that.” He paused, then added with a curl of his lip “It’s a long way from being like that.”
Joanna looked hard at her husband for a few moments more until she was convinced that his face contained no semblance of a lie. In fact, she realised, it contained more than a few clues to self loathing. Newly concerned, she drew closer to him. “Alex…baby, what happened?” she softly asked him.

Something in the gentleness of her tone connected directly with the hot shame that Alex had been trying to banish from his mind since waking up in a cold, dark cell in a police station. He felt his body crumple, and for just a moment he gave in to the despair and disgrace he felt as tears began to streak down his face.

“Oh baby…” and Joanne moved forward to embrace her husband. At this, Alex stiffened a little and controlled himself, putting an end to he always thought of as shameful mewling. Collecting his thoughts, he returned Joanna’s embrace.

“Jo, I’m sorry. I was stupid. Can we go and sit down please?” Without waiting for an answer, he took her by the hand and led her back through to the living room. He sat on the brown leather sofa and Joanna sat beside him. Alex took a deep breath. “I got arrested last night.” He tried to keep hold of Joanna’s hand, but she withdrew it sharply.

“You got arrested?” She was genuinely shocked. She knew Alex had a dangerous habit of letting his mouth say whatever it felt was funny without reference to his brain when he was drunk, but he also had enough sense to know when to shut the hell up if he was pushing someone too far. “What did you do? Did you get into a fight or…what?”

“I got caught in the men’s toilets with a gram of charlie.” Alex risked a glance at his wife. She was struck dumb in what would otherwise have been an amusingly “mouth hanging open” sort of a way before looking away from him. “It wasn’t even mine. Steve brought it, and I’d bought a line off of him so…look baby, I’m really sorry. I was pissed and I was stupid.” In a somewhat quieter yet unmistakably regretful tone, he unwisely added “I didn’t even get the line.”

(It would probably have been some consolation to Alex to know that Steve was not, in fact, in possession of “top class gear” but rather of some bastardised combination of a tiny amount of speed and a rather larger amount of baby laxative).

Fortunately for him, his wife was lost in her own world of astonishment. She was shaking her head, her mouth opening and closing wordlessly. Alex sat quietly next to her, waiting to see just how this was going to play out. He hoped it would proceed with the minimum of recriminations followed by an extended visit to bed for make-up sex and sleep (not necessarily in that order). His head was pounding and his brain had that “dipped in liquid nitrogen” feeling that accompanied the Tequila hangover. He understood that his wife was going to be upset by his night’s absence and the reason behind it. He just hoped that it would be the kind of sadness that would be expressed gently and with a minimum of shouting.

His hopes were then dashed at about 80 decibels.

“WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING YOU STUPID SHIT?!” The colour had drained from Joanna’s face as she yelled into Alex’s. “Arrested for taking drugs? Alex, you could lose your job. Your job Alex!” Alex resumed his downcast stance on the sofa and began muttering platitudes of an “I know, I’m stupid and you’re right” tenor. Alas for his aching head, these were as much use as a Noct Immigration Request. “What were you thinking? Were you even thinking? Alex, what if your company find out about this? If you have a criminal record you’ll get sacked, you know that.”

“Jo, please calm down. Please. Look, I got a caution and that’s it. They only kept me in for the night because I was so drunk. I think they thought they were doing me a favour; I was a bit of a state truth be told. I’m not going to get sacked over a caution. Christ, Andrea will probably be laughing about it when I go in tomorrow.” The seeds of his attempt at levity fell on predictably stony ground.

“Yeah, but it’s not as simple as that is it Alex? Anything could’ve happened because you wanted to get high. I can’t believe you’d be so stupid! I know you hate your job but are you trying to get sacked?”

“What? No! Jesus, I don’t want to lose my job. I’m not that stupid Jo, I know we’ve got a mortgage to pay. I know we’ve got J-Accounts payments to keep up. I know I need to keep working and anyway, work has been getting better recently. I told you about the Vault-Tec stuff I’m working on?”

Joanna recognised the attempt at distraction. “What’s that got to do with anything?” Alex continued to try and throw her off this particular scent and onto the one labelled “Bedtime and a shag. Okay, maybe not a shag but definitely bed. And some paracetamol.”

“Well for one thing it’s about doing something I feel good about myself for doing. I’ve spent my working life pushing back nocts to whatever godforsaken hellhole they’re trying to escape from. Vault-Tec wants to start employing a lot of noct workers and I’m heading up the team working with them for that. I’m going to be doing something good Jo, and for the first time in my life I’m enjoying my job.”

Joanna remained resolutely unimpressed. “So that’s why you went out and did something stupid was it? You’re having such a good time at work that you decided to jeopardise your happiness there? Well done Alex, smooth move. I know I’ve been complaining about you working late so much but I don’t think I wanted you to make sure you’d be stuck at home permanently.”

And with that, Joanna uncorked the argument genie that had attending pretty much every one of their spats over the last month. Alex’s justification that his long hours meant more money toward a J-Account and the greater likelihood that they would both enjoy a much longer and happier life together which would more than make up for this lost time…well, it had grown very thin very quickly to Joanna. Curiously, despite the fact that such quarrelling was clearly borne from Joanna’s increasing sense of isolation from her husband and her desperation to keep alive their love for one another, Alex usually managed to completely fail to see things from Joanna’s point of view.

As a matter of fact, these disagreements of theirs were currently few and far between, but every single one of them eventually wound it’s way to Alex and the hours he insisted he had to work “to make things better for us.”. It frustrated Joanna to the point of wanting to scream. She had tried explaining that she didn’t care about a brighter, cloned future. That she wanted to have a husband in the here and now. And, unspoken by her thus far, that she didn’t want to watch the love she had for him whither and die in a succession of lonely nights whilst he toiled away slamming doors shut in the desperate faces of noct immigrants. They had only been married for a few years, but over the last 8 months she had begun to worry immensely for her husband and his mental health. He spoke less and less about his job; she knew he hated it and knew that every day destroyed him a little more. She thought that maybe the sensitive and caring man that she knew Alex to be was more haunted by the implications of his work than he ever let on to anyone, including her. But he steadfastly insisted that he could handle whatever his firm threw at him, and took on extra projects happily, almost hungrily. It was as if he wanted to prove to someone that he could master any task he was set. And if that meant taking on the Government contracts for Immigration work, so be it. If he had to fill his J-Account with noct blood, he would do so. And that, she thought sadly, was crushing the life out of this vibrant and compassionate man. It was as if he was dying slowly before her very eyes and it was becoming unbearable for her because whenever she tried to help, he shut her out.

She had tried to say all of this, but truth be told she rarely pursued these disputes to their logical conclusion because Alex…well, he frightened her when they clashed over work. It wasn’t that he was violent, or that he turned his sharp tongue on her. It was, she thought, silly to be scared of him when he was in what he later always referred to as his “big gay sulks”. And if she hadn’t been in his presence whilst they were happening, she would probably have laughed at herself for feeling any fear of the smiling eyed man that she married. He just seemed to slam shut emotionally whenever the subject of the hours he was working came up. And whether she harangued or cajoled, he wouldn’t respond. He just sat there, seemingly at the centre of a gathering storm cloud that he could will into exploding at her if the mood took him. Unlike the battering sarcasm he usually mustered when angry, he became silent and sullen. The features of his face were as those of a fresh corpse somehow given life and looking mightily pissed off to be in that situation, and the only sign of even listening that he gave came in the form of a few clipped words. Alex had protested when she first brought up her disquiet at his bouts of solemn fury, hugging and pleading with her to understand that, no matter what, he would never raise his hands to her. And she knew that to be true, felt horrified at herself for suggesting it and hating herself for the pain she caused her love by doing so. But she couldn’t entirely shake off the sense of danger that he emanated at times like that. And not the good “all the girls love a man with a dark side” kind of danger either. More the “husband and wife found dead in murder-suicide” brand of menace, and she braced herself for it’s creeping arrival.

But it did not materialise. Maybe it was because Alex was tired. Maybe it was that he admitted defeat in the face of Joanna’s undeniably valid point that he was idiotic to jeopardise the chance to actually do some work that he believed in. Had she asked, he would have told her that it was because the tequila hangover really was that unbearable and he would’ve gladly suffered any indignity in exchange for being allowed to stumble into bed, and to hell with the shagging. Once she had finished yelling at him for that, he might have let slip that he had also looked over a terrible precipice of guilt as he realised just how distraught his wife, his wonderful wife, must’ve been last night and just how much of an arsehole he thought himself for scaring her. And to Alex, this was the first time that he knew he really had scared her. He was aware that she had hinted at a fear of him previously, but had quickly dismissed this entirely. He would have been surprised at the depth of that fear, because to Alex’s mind, things between them were as they always had been.

Instead, he looked up and at Joanna. In that moment all thoughts of fearfulness left Joanna’s mind, chased away by the heartbreaking sight of her husband looking tired, broken, and more vulnerable than she could ever remember seeing him. He tried to tell her “I love you”, but the words stuck in a throat cracked with emotion, and his words formed noiselessly in his mouth like the silent miaow of a cat. A cat that stank of piss.

“Oh baby…” she took Alex in her arms and he sagged forward, breathing the heavy breath of a man determined not to cry. “Baby baby shhhh come on…it’s okay. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you it’s…I was worried about you Alex. I thought you were hurt or something had happened or…”

“No…no, it’s okay.” He sat up from her embrace and attempted a sheepish smile. “You’ve got nothing to apologise for Jo. You never have to apologise to me, not about anything. It’s me, it’s…I was stupid. You’re right, I was an idiot and I just…I just want to try and forget it.”

“I understand baby, I understand.” Joanna paused, some words clearly just having been bitten back. Alex recognised that something had gone unsaid. Being Alex, he wanted it cleared up to avoid any ambiguity.


“It’s nothing, don’t worry.”

“No, come on Jo. You can tell me. What is it?”

“Well…will you promise me something?”

“Baby, of course I will. Anything.”

“I want you to promise you’ll never take drugs again.”

There was an moment which lasted exactly enough time to become an awkward pause.

“What, any of them?”


“Oh, come on Joanna! Look, I work hard and I need…”

Joanna decided to cut it off there. She was happy about their earlier escape from the choppy waters of dispute and had no wish to see her husband navigate them both back into a tidal wave. “Well, okay not weed.” Alex visibly untensed. “But no more class A stuff. No one gets arrested for weed any more but the other stuff…it frightens me Alex. It frightens me that we could lose everything over some fucking…powder.”

Alex was already nodding before she’d even finished. “Of course baby, anything you want. I promise. No more pills and powders.” He took her hands in his as he said this, and tried to smile a reassuring smile, kidding himself that his lip wasn’t wobbling as he did so.

Joanna embraced him once more and held him tightly. Alex hugged back and they sat like that for a few minutes. Joanne was just beginning to think to herself “This could be the watershed; this could be the point where 8 months of deepening gloom stop and I’ll get my laughing, charming husband back!” When she heard Alex snoring gently into her ear.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Army of Me: Fourth chapter


As Alex sat in his room packing his few belongings, he might have taken the time to acknowledge just how grateful he was that his Re-Orientation was finally over had he not been so overcome with the excitement of seeing his wife again. Not that he hadn’t enjoyed the excellent food and luxurious accommodation or course. As a matter of fact, the Vault was better than pretty much every 5 star hotel in the land. Unfortunately, much like 5 star hotels, the clientele consisted almost exclusively of braying, mindless wankers who equated money with personality.

The past three days had been a hell of social manners for Alex. Whilst he recognised that the majority of the 9 other people who had been Revived on the same day as him as being of a higher class and wealthier than him, he had the nagging feeling that this in itself wasn’t enough to keep at bay the increasingly violent fantasies where he re-enacted their deaths with himself as the killer. He’d actually had a telling off on the second day, something that hadn’t happened to him since High School. He’d been sat eating his evening meal and chatting with the one Revivee who’s small talk didn’t make him want to puke blood through his eyeballs in order to provide an excuse for leaving the table. Ruth was a small framed and nervous looking lady in her mid 40s who had won the lottery some 3 years ago. Apparently one of her sons couldn’t wait for the inheritance and smashed her head in with a brick, hiding the body in a brilliant attempt to ensure his mother didn’t get revived. A superb scheme which he was fiercely proud of, it entirely failed to accommodate for the fact that her weekly D-NMA updates combined with her original DNA sample taken after winning were quite sufficient to bring her back. All things considered, Ruth was coping pretty well with the circumstances of her death. They were talking of their respective murders when, unannounced and uninvited, a nationally syndicated Radio show host plonked himself down beside Alex, and rode roughshod over the hesitant but friendly conversation that had been taking place.

“What about these Noct cunts bombing Paris again eh? Nasty little darkies eh? Dunno why we haven’t just conquered the NCT and kept the little buggers to do all our dirty job, eh?” His habit of seeking confirmation for his thought might have been endearing in other circumstance. However, judging by the lack of pauses in his flow of bile, the questions were merely implied rather than actually providing an opportunity for anyone else to talk. “Stand to reason really eh? No point in us sitting about waiting to get blown up and revived if we can just wade in and kill the bastards eh? Still, I suppose it keeps the herd thinned down eh? Country is too damn crowded anyway, maybe we should be thanking them for getting rid of some of our dead weight eh?” With that, the unpleasantly flabby man chuckled to himself and spent the next minute or so cramming a delicious and painstakingly prepared meal directly into his cavernous fat head. He did so in silence, with the chronically shy Ruth reverting to the silence it had taken Alex a day to penetrate, and Alex himself dumbstruck with the sheer charisn’tma that the man exuded with his every word.

His meal half disposed of, the vile man (who, Alex thought, resembled a volcanic red boil just prior to being lanced) let out a hearty belch and continued his one man show on the evils of Nocts and people poorer than himself. Alex wasn’t sure how long it continued for, and he’d planned to keep his head down and finish his meal so that he could get the hell away from him. This happy thought was interrupted by a nudge in the ribs from his unwanted dining companion. Evidently he’d realised that neither of them were actually listening to him, and the man’s ego demanded that restitution be made immediately.

“So, what happened to you then eh? Big business are you? Heart attack? Stroke? Too much hard work and not enough play I’ll bet eh?” He laughed rather too loudly at his own feeble joke. Even some of the more snootily inclined shitbags that Alex has studiously avoided were rolling their eyes by this point. Alex reluctantly turned from his dinner to face the human pustule next to him. “My parents set up a J-Account for me. I was murdered a couple of days ago.” He hoped the starkness of this information might embarrass the fat man into silence. He may as well have hoped for world peace whilst he was at it; that would at least have been the more realistic of the two wishes.

“Yeah? One of the herd got through the gates then eh? What about you?” As Alex was apparently not wealthy enough for him to talk to, he turned his loathsome gaze onto Ruth, who quietly replied “I’m a lottery winner, and…” She got no further. “Fucking Christ, am I sitting in the cattle pen here? Ask me, they’re letting any Tom Dick and Larry buy a clone these days eh?” The man stood, fixing both with the same expression seen on countless millions whenever they’ve stood on an unexpected dog turd and moved to leave. Absurdly, despite the prospect of imminent relief from the man, Alex found that his wounded pride was not happy at letting this ambulatory wart on the anus of humanity have the last word. He stood and took hold of the man by his shoulder, at which the man stopped and turned to face Alex.

“Well? What do you want eh?”

“What about you then? What vital and life changing work is that you do that places you on a higher plane of existence to the rest of us? A pioneering heart surgeon? A great philanthropist beloved of rich and poor alike? Or are you…aren’t you…well, aren’t you just a radio show host? In fact, aren’t you just another D list celeb who thinks high ratings give your life some sort of validation?”

The barb did its job. Such was his indignation that the man practically squealed “My ratings are number 4 in the country!”

“Oh, my apologies; number 4 in the country. It must be absolutely great to know that when the history books are written, you’ll be in there. Because all history books, well they don’t want to know about who the best is, do they? They don’t waste their time looking at the leaders in their field. No, they look in painstaking detail at those people who don’t even make the top 3. Why, every history book that ever there was just loves to spend time examining the also-rans, don’t they?”

Judging by the rising anger in his eyes and pounding vein in his temple, Alex was really hitting home. He would have left it there, but he noticed Ruth stifle a smile and that was permission to carry on in his book.

“I mean, just who the fuck do you think you are exactly? Here was me thinking you were a 10th rate shock jock whose revival was probably necessitated because of a chemical addiction to lard, but no. Apparently you’re the arbiter of world events and the worthiness of people. We should be as supplicants to your bilious teat as you squeeze endless moronic lactations for our delight.” He was getting wordy and arrogant again, a sure sign that Alex was actually quite ridiculously angry himself. “Well I’ve got news for you my friend. You’re a nothing. A no-one. No-one like you and no-one cares. Your studio figure it’s easier for you to eat and drink yourself to death then revive you later because it’s probably far less dangerous to them than trying to snatch a sandwich from your festering gob and keep your heart from bursting. Which, when it does, will probably generate the destructive energy of a nuclear fucking warhead. I mean for fuck’s sake man, is this undulating pile of flesh really you at your physical peak? You actually chose to get revived into a whale? Incredible. Now take your grand opinion of yourself and” Alex leant forward until he was nose to nose with the man who now looked deflated and upset. It lent him the appearance of a sagging skin bin bag filled with mince. “Just. Fuck. Off. Okay, eh?”

Alex had always had a talent for linguistic cruelty, and it was hugely satisfying to deploy it on so deserving a target. The man had shakily left the dining area, and later that evening Alex was treated to an informal chat in his quarters about the manners one should employ when speaking to such excellent clients as Mr Christopher, and would Alex mind awfully if he would stay away from Mr Christopher for the remainder of their Re-Orientation?

But none of that occupied his mind, which was full to the brim of thoughts of Joanna. Notions of packing to leave barely fitted into the few remaining nooks and crannies of his psyche. He found himself both excited and nervous. As far as he could recall, he’d last seen his wife over a year ago. He’d left her with promises that, no, he wouldn’t be out for a big session and yes, he’d be back by 11.30. And that was that; his last words to her were a lie. A white lie to be sure and a lie that allowed him to have an excellent night out, but a lie all the same.

But she wouldn’t remember that (or at least, he hoped not). What had happened in that year? Was she pregnant, or did they already have a squalling infant as their own? Alex rather hoped not; he had never been any good with babies. He’d always just thought of them as one might think of a pet dog that gradually learns how to talk. So it was probably a safe bet that his life would be child-free for now. But about Joanna herself? The image of her, her bobbed blonde hair and pale blue eyes, her smooth olive skin and rounded face, her body both pert and comforting to him…that image loomed large in Alex’s mind. Despite his existential angst about almost every thought that ever occurred to him, he couldn’t help but smile a big dopey grin as he thought of her. Whatever had happened in the last year, Joanna would tell him. And then they could continue to live as happily ever after as one could in a society where a person could count themselves fortunate to have more than 10 days paid holiday a year.

Not even the thought of work dislodged his grin. After all, Alex reasoned, he had 2 weeks before he had to return to work. This was a luxury that almost made it worth being killed and cloned on an annual basis had he the money.

He changed into the clothes that the Vault had provided him for on his release. They hadn’t returned the clothes he had been wearing on his death. Presumably because they had the good taste not to give Alex the knife-shredded clothing and expect him to wear it (although he mused that it could just as easily have been because red didn’t go with their walls). So he dressed himself in a plain (but reassuringly expensive) navy blue shirt, some jeans (also unremarkable and also out of his normal price range) and a pair of achingly fashionable shoes. They were the sort of shoes that had he seen anyone else wearing, he would’ve been unable to tell if they were an ultra-hip trendsetter, or one of the gays.

His briefcase and wallet, apparently having been stolen and ransacked then disposed of by his murderer, were absent. His mobile unit was there however, but as promised it had no power source. He put it in the pocket of the new jacket provided for him, quite ruining the cut of it by doing so. He’d have to remember to stop by a cash point once he was out. At least whoever had killed him hadn’t stolen his mobile; without that, he’d be unable to get money or make any transactions at all. Nor would he be able to phone anyone, or access the net, or just watch TV. He thanked heaven for such small mercies, rather ironically being as he’d have preferred the larger mercy of not having been horribly murdered.

All suited and booted, Alex took once last look at what had been a luxuriously appointed cell, and then left. He made straight for the lift and pressed the button to call it up to him. Grin still intact, he got into the lift and went down to the ground floor. Awaiting him at the front desk was the power cell for his mobile, which he gratefully took and fitted.

He then looked around the cavernous reception hall to find Joanna. He saw the throngs of people around some of the more major celebs that had been in his re-orientation. Apparently they felt their “Next of Kin” included the kind of entourage that acted as a walking advertisement of their employers’ wealth. Between three of his fellow revivees, he counted almost 70 people laughing and preening round them. They reminded him of buzzing flies round a particularly odious turd.

They also reminded Alex that he was not yet with Joanna. He walked around the hall but couldn’t see her anywhere. He did bump into Ruth who was enjoying a somewhat tense re-union with her daughter. Apparently Ruth was now rather more suspicious of her children than she had been previously, so where there should have been unfettered joy there was instead stilted conversation and defensiveness on both sides. She noticed Alex, and gave him a shy smile which Alex returned. He walked over to her and asked if she had seen Joanna at all.

Ruth frowned; “My height, blonde hair and dark skin, blue eyes, slim build you say? No…sorry Alex. Is it your sister you’re meeting?” A less pre-occupied man might have noticed the slightly hopeful note in Ruth’s voice. He would certainly have noticed her disappointment when he answered that Joanna was his wife. “Well…I hope you find her soon Alex.” A pause arose and became slightly more awkward as Alex tried to think of a way to leave mother and daughter to their private reunion. “Could I take your number?” Alex blurted out. Ruth looked dumbstruck. Her daughter merely smiled a cynical smile. “I’d like to meet up again sometime. It was really nice to meet you Ruth. I sometimes think I would’ve gone mad in Re-orientation if I didn’t have someone normal to talk to.”

Ruth, a sadder and more suspicious woman than she had been prior to her murder, had to struggle rather hard to hide her delight at the request. In the three days she’d spent in the Vault, Alex was the only one who didn’t treat her with ill-disguised snobbery due to her humble background. Although everyone was pretty much forbidden to talk about their outside life in much detail throughout re-orientation, she’d let slip to Alex that she was single. Come to think of it she’d let it slip 8 or 9 times. He was unfailingly courteous to her, and endlessly scathing about their companions. It was a combination that she’d found endearing to say the least.

“Yes, of course; have you got your mobile?” Alex nodded, and so Ruth took hers (one of the newer Nokia models), and pressed a couple of buttons. Alex switched on his (a rather older and less fashionable Sony), and saw that Ruth’s number had been added. He also noticed DS Marsh’s number as having been added a few days prior.

Alex thanked Ruth, promising that his wife and himself would definitely call her and meet for dinner sometime soon. He left the faintly perplexed Ruth to enjoy her reunion, made all the less tense by her daughter having something to tease her mother about, and continued to look for Joanna.

2 hours later, the hall was empty of everyone except Alex. He still hadn’t found her. He tried calling both their home and her mobile. There was no answer from either. In each case, the answermachine clicked in; “Hi, this is Joanna. I’m not here right now, please leave a message.”

He had checked outside the Vault main entrance a few times to see if she was waiting for him outside, but no; nothing. All he saw were the trudging, hollow eyed people making their way from work to whichever pub was their favoured locale for some serious brain cell annihilation, and later those same people whooping and cheering their way home to a drunken, black slumber.

Alex made his way to the reception desk of the Vault and asked confirmation for the fifth time that his wife had been told of his Revival. The response was the same (and just as courteously delivered as it had been the first time). Alas, Alex wasn’t in the mood to appreciate the first class customer service he was being treated to. He asked the receptionist to call him a cab to take him home.

Upset and preoccupied, for the second time in just a few days, Alex failed completely to notice the sallow faced and scowling man who had been watching him since his first brief, hopeful excursion from the Vault to the street outside. As Alex climbed into his cab, the man sighed and extinguished his 30th cigarette of the day. With a mutter of “About fucking time…” he hailed a cab of his own. To the very great regret of anyone who enjoys potboilers, he didn’t say “Follow that cab”. There was no need; he already knew Alex’s address.

Army of Me:Third chapter

Re-Orientation Schedule for Mr Alexander John Atkinson

Welcome, Alexander, to your new life!

Here at Vault-Tec Ltd, we pride ourselves on a thorough and professional service that goes beyond mere cloning. We aim to provide each one of our clients with a full and personalised three day package which will assist you in your re-integration back into the society of your friends and family.

Over the next three days, you will enjoy a series of lectures and activities designed to fully re-orientate yourself back into the life you lead prior to your Revival, as well as inform you about cloning specific issues that you might like to know more about.

During this time, you’ll be housed in the Re-Orientation section of the London Vault, situated right here on The Isle of Dogs. You’ll find that your quarters are luxuriously appointed, and your meals will be of the highest standard. But don’t worry about the cost! Your J-Account has taken care of all of that!

Your first meal will be at 7pm this evening. Please note that all meals are carefully selected to provide the correct levels of nutrients for the recently revived. We have also taken every care to match the meals to your individual tastes.

Please take the time to look through your schedule. We strive to provide all the information that we believe you will need, but if there is anything missing from it then please don’t hesitate to let us know, and every effort will be made to accommodate you. Please also refer to the map of the facilities you will be using during your stay with us.

So then Alexander, just relax and enjoy your stay with us. This first evening will your own. You’ll note that there is no Screen in your room; this is so that you’re not overloaded with any information about the 384 days that have elapsed since your last Memory Specific DNA (D-NAM) update. Rest assured that all the information you need will be provided over the coming days. We’ve provided a number of books for your enjoyment; if you don’t find anything to your liking, please don’t hesitate to use the intercom and ask for the use of our well stocked library. Your Multimedia Unit will be returned to you upon your release.


Matthew Moore

Head of Vault-Tec Revivals (London)

Day 1

0655: Alarm

0700: Breakfast in bed - Smoked Salmon and scrambled eggs, wholemeal toast, Olive oil spread, Darjeeling tea.

0730: Please use the next 30 minutes to attend to your toilet and hygiene needs.

0800: Lecture #1 – The Legalities of Your Revival

This lecture will address the more immediate questions that you may have concerning the aftermath of your revival. Topics covered will include Employment Law (specifically the 2 week “grace” period following your Revival which requires employers to hold open your post for 14 days should you wish to return to your job), Probate and the validity of your will (you will be given advice on the new will that you are required to draft), as well as general matters such as your Death Certificate and new National Insurance Number.

We request that you do not discuss your recent memories with fellow revivees. Staff will be enforcing this request.

Please note that there will be a break for refreshments at 1030.

Lecturer: Jon Holyoak Location: Eric Blair Memorial Lecture Hall

1130: Lecture 1 Q&A Session

1200: Lunch – Lunch will be served in your quarters. There will be a starter of Tomato Soup and wholemeal roll. The main course will be Chicken in a Balsamic jus with steamed vegetables. Dessert will be Fruit cocktail. Choice of beverages: Fresh Orange or Cranberry juice.

1300: Lecture #2 – Recent History

This lecture will be delivered to you solely and is tailored to cover the main events across the world since your D-NAM update. It is the first of three lectures. In this lecture, we will look specifically at events outside of The United Kingdom in the 384 days since your update. Please note that this lecture covers both events in The Cloned Territories (CTs) and Non Cloned Territories (NCTs).

Lecturer: Prof. Jane Miller Location: Your room

1430: Refreshment break. Please note that you are permitted to discuss recent memories pertaining to the previous lecture with your fellow Revivees.

1445: Lecture #3 – Faith and Revival

As an Atheist you may be wondering just how the world’s religions view you now that you have been revived. This lecture will discuss the attitudes of all major faiths towards the Revived. You will be happy to learn that, by and large, all faiths have shown great respect and tolerance toward the Revived. It will also discuss the impact of cloning upon faith, from the rules excluding the Revived from the Catholic Priesthood, to the enabling of a lasting peace in the Israeli-Palestine Allied Territories.

Please note that this lecture will not discuss the beliefs and activities of The Church Of The Immortal Soul. This topic will be discussed in a later lecture.

Lecturer: Dr Clive Runcie Location: Eric Blair Memorial Lecture Hall

1600: Lecture 3 Q&A Session

1630: Lecture # 4 – A Background to Cloning and Finance

This short lecture will discuss the setup of your new J-Account. It will also provide some history behind Cloning, the finance of cloning (such as how the name “ J-Account” legitimised the previously used colloquialism, “Joanne May Account” used by the major banking corporations), and a brief audit of your previous J-Account.

Lecturer: Andrew Powell Location: Your room

1700: End of days lectures. You will have an hour to rest from the day’s activities. During this hour you will have access to the Leisure floor of the Vault, located on floor 38.

1800: Evening Meal which will be served in the main dining hall (please refer to map for location). There will be a starter of Grilled goat’s cheese with Mediterranean Vegetables. The main course will be Venison Forestier with Mustard Mashed Potatoes and steamed Green Beans. Dessert will be a selection of cheeses from our board. Coffee to follow dessert.

1930: You will have 2 and a half hours in which to make use of our Leisure facilities.

2200: We request that you return to your room to prepare for bed. Please note that all revivees must return to their own rooms .

2230: Lights out.

Day 2

0655: Alarm

0700: Breakfast in bed – Choice of Cereals, wholemeal toast, Olive oil spread, Darjeeling tea.

0730: Please use the next 30 minutes to attend to your toilet and hygiene needs.

0800: Lecture #1 – Cloning and Crime

This lecture will look at the distinct strand of jurisprudence concerning what has come to be known as “Cloning Crime”. We will discuss the main cloning crimes; destruction of client DNA and Gene Splicing. In addition, we shall also consider the penalties for Cloning Crimes (deportation to an NCT-located Penal colony being the most common),the use of cloning as a judicial tool (primarily in the Revival of witnesses to a Capital Crime), as well as some of the limitations on the cloning process (such as the impossibility of cloning from dead tissue)

Please note that there will be a break for refreshments at 1000.

Lecturer: Prof Robert Sayer Location: The Huxley Lecture Theatre

1030: Lecture 1 Q&A Session

1100: Lecture #2 – Recent History

This lecture will be delivered to you solely and is tailored to cover the main events across the world since your D-NAM update. It is the second of three lectures. In this lecture, we will look specifically at events within The United Kingdom in the 384 days since your update. The focus will be on any major social and political changes, though we shall also discuss any matters relating specifically to you, your career, and your social life.

Please note that after this lecture, we will be notifying your next of kin of the end date and time of your Re-Orientation. If you wish, we will also pass on any messages that you may wish to give to your loved ones in advance of your release from The Vault.

Lecturer: Prof. Jane Miller Location: Your room

1300: Lunch – Lunch will be served in the dining hall. There will be a starter of Shredded Aromatic Duck. The main course will be Penne Arabiatta. Dessert will be steamed Toffee Pudding. Choice of beverages: Fresh Orange or Cranberry juice.

1400: Lecture #3 – The Church of the Immortal Soul

Although this is your first Revival, you will doubtless have heard of the activities of The Church of The Immortal Soul. The lecture will examine the background to this cult, from their initial formation by an inter-faith group of clerics unhappy with their respective Church’s stance on cloning, to their spread throughout both CT and NCT alike, and finally to their current status as a banned organisation in CT.

We will also be discussing simple and affordable safety measures that you can take to avoid the unwelcome attentions of these fanatics. Whilst it is only the more extreme members of “The Immortals” who have murdered or attempted to murder Revivees in recent years, their prejudice against Revivees has regrettably infected the public domain.

This lecture will end with a Q&A session with a former Immortal, and for your convenience and safety we will also be providing you with a list of suspected Immortals in your local area.

Lecturer: Jamie Bell Location: Eric Blair Memorial Lecture Hall

1600: Refreshment break. Please note that you are permitted to talk freely with your fellow Revivees.

1630: Tour of Vault Facilities

Your day will end with a full tour of the Vault facilities. You will be shown the research labs where the D-NAM and DNA are combined prior to Revival, and taken round the many offices which comprise the bulk of the Vault facility and where our Corporate Division does most of it’s work. The tour will climax with a visit to the Underground Storage Chambers. Here you will be afforded an unparalleled opportunity to look at the chambers from whence you so recently came.

The chambers, all heavily fortified after the Indian and Pakistani launched their joint nuclear attack on Tokyo and Osaka in an attempt to force their way onto the CT Council of Nations, are rarely seen by the general public. Even media access has been halted since the attempted assault on the Manhattan Island Vault by a cell of Immortals. Once you’ve gone through the security screening, you will be rewarded with an experience that few can ever hope to see; you will witness the Revival of one of our clients!

We will also discuss some of the science behind cloning as well as some of it’s benefits and limitations (for example, the impossibility of cloning from dead tissue).

The tour will be conducted by Dr Roberta Wilson.

1800: End of days lectures. You will have an hour to rest from the day’s activities. During this hour you will have access to the Leisure floor of the Vault, located on floor 38.

1900: Evening Meal which will be served in the main dining hall (please refer to map for location). There will be a starter of Leek and Potato soup. The main course will be Monkfish served with seasonal vegetables. Dessert will be tiramisu. Coffee to follow dessert.

2030: You will have 2 hours in which to make use of our Leisure facilities.

2230: We request that you return to your room to prepare for bed. Please note once more that all revivees must return to their own rooms .

2300: Lights out.

Day 3

0655: Alarm

0700: Breakfast in bed – Full English Breakfast, wholemeal toast, butter, Darjeeling tea.

0730: Please use the next 30 minutes to attend to your toilet and hygiene needs.

0800: Lecture #1 – NCT Relations

This lecture will address the social anxiety that attended the split in the United Nations between Cloned and Non Cloned Territories. It will examine some of the reasons behind the withholding of Vault Technology from NCT (made up of the entirety of the African, South American, and Central American continental nations plus Asia with the exceptions of the Russian Free Trade State and China) and how the subsequent series of CT-NCT border wars grew into the Nuclear devastation that was unleashed upon Japan by two NCT nations.

The lecture will also look at current CT attitudes towards NCT and its citizens. Whilst the various CT Immigration laws have removed almost all contact between CT and NCT peoples, this has not stopped a uniformly anti-NCT attitude becoming prevalent among the CT citizens (for example, the growth in popularity of the derogatory name for NCT citizens, Nocts, across CT).

Lecturer: Dr Phillip Naut Location: Huxley Lecture Theatre

1000: Refreshment break

1030: Lecture 1 Q&A Session

1100: Lecture #2 – Recent History

This lecture will be delivered to you solely and is tailored to cover the main events across the world since your D-NAM update. It is the third of three lectures. In this lecture, we will discuss any matters that you are curious about that have arisen from the previous lectures. We will also provide an inventory of items on your person prior to your Revival and would be grateful if you could confirm its accuracy. These items will be returned to you at the end of your Re-Orientation.

Lecturer: Prof. Jane Miller Location: Your room

1230: Lunch – Lunch will be served in the dining hall. There will be a starter of Baked Feta and Pita bread. The main course will be cold roast meats with potato salad and crusty bread. Dessert will be a selection of Ice Cream. Choice of beverages: Fresh Orange or Cranberry juice.

1330: Lecture #3 – Politics and Society in the CT

This lecture will detail the political and social background to the creation of the CT. It will discuss the changes in the political landscape as well as the more solid social foundations that cloning has enabled. In particular, we will examine the CT Council, universally recognised as the finest system of Government in the long history of humanity.

We will examine the effect that cloning has had on our armed services and the laws surrounding cloning of military and certain civilian personnel and conditions for their revival (which are, broadly speaking, only activated if the person is Killed In Action).

As you have a career in Immigration Law, we will also spend the final hour with you in a 121 setting whereupon we will endeavour to update you as to any legislative and procedural changes that may affect your work. Please note that this 121 will be preceded by a refreshment break

Lecturer: David Carlton Location: Eric Blair Memorial Lecture Hall

121 Session: Derek Nairn Location: Your room

1630: Lecture 3 Q&A Session

1730: All items confirmed as yours earlier today will be returned to you. You will be afforded the opportunity to pack and prepare for your release this evening. Your Multimedia Unit will also be returned, although please note that its power supply will be returned to you upon your release.

1800: Evening Meal which will be served in the main dining hall (please refer to map for location). There will be a starter of Prawn Cocktail. The main course will be Medallions of Beef in a Red wine sauce with Creamed Sweet Potato. Dessert will be a selection of cheeses from our board. Coffee to follow dessert.

1900: Lecture # 4 – General Q&A

This short Q&A session will provide you with the opportunity to ask any other questions that have arisen over the previous three days. Should you have any questions outstanding at the end of the session, please feel free to stay and talk to our Re-Orientation staff.

Lecturer: All Re-Orientation Staff Location: Eric Blair Memorial Lecture Hall

2000: Please return to your room and collect your belongings. From there you will be escorted to the main entrance hall. Your Multi-Media Unit power source will be returned, and your next of kin will be there to greet you.

Congratulations Alexander Atkinson! You are ready to begin life anew!